The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 under Reg (7)requires each employer to appoint one or more competent persons to assist in health and safety management.
ICE Risk Managementcan act as your Health and Safety “Competent Person” to ensure that you fully meet the legal requirements. We are a resource to be called upon, as and when required, and you are entitled to designate us as your “Competent Person”.
To put it simply, we provide ongoing support to SMEs who do not employ a health & safety person in addition to providing specialist back up to those who already have in-house expertise.

Our retained advisor service can deliver the following solutions:
- Preparing or revising your health and safety policy– a legal requirement for any organisation with 5 or more staff. Our health and safety consultants work alongside yourselves, learn your business and can develop and help you to implement a tailored policy.
- Producing risk assessments– the cornerstone of managing health and safety in the UK. Our health and safety consultants can undertake assessments of the significant risks under the main health and safety legislation, e.g. COSHH, Manual Handling, Display Screen Equipment (DSE) or Fire Safety
- Chairing or advising the Health and Safety Committee– keeping you and your employees up to date on the main legislative issues and finding practicable solutions for the issues identified from consultation with employees.
- Undertaking audits and inspections– giving you reassurance that your health and safety management system is working effectively.
- Producing confidential management reports
- Investigating accidents, and helping to prevent their re-occurrence– There is no greater need in safety management than eliminating or controlling risks, which have previously led to injury or ill health.
- Training– having undertaken assessments and designed controls, it is a legal requirement to communicate this to your employees. Our health and safety consultants can offer bespoke health and safety training to meet your needs or arrange for employees to attend one our open health and safety training courses across the UK.
- Assisting in the preparation of support documentation for insurance claims and assisting you to demonstrate to your insurers that you are actively managing safety and preventing loss.
- Assist with compliance on health and safety laws.

Risk Assessments and Method Statements
Our Risk Assessment and Method Statement (RAMS) writing service has been setup to help you – we do the hard work for you. We will prepare your detailed Risk Assessment and Method Statements (RAMS) based on the information we get from you, together with our detailed knowledge and understanding of the construction process, health and safety requirements and any other specific requests that you may make. The completed, project specific Risk Assessment and Method Statement (RAMS) will then be emailed directly to you ready for you to send onto your clients.
All Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS) will be specific to your project, include your company details and will be written by a Construction Safety Specialist, they will include your company name, site address, personnel and your company logo. The Risk Assessment and Method Statement (RAMS) will be sent to you as a secure PDF document for ease of printing and forwarding to your clients.
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Third Floor
Stolt Neilsen House
1-5 Oldchurch Road
Romford, Essex