ICE Risk Management can provide advice and assistance to duty holders undertaking construction works regarding their duties under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM Regulations). The duty holders can include:
- The organisation initiating the construction works (the Client).
- The organisation appointed by the Client to take control of the pre-construction phase of any project involving more than one contractor (the Principal Designer).
The advice and assistance can include:
- Contract strategy on the overall CDM framework for the project.
- Notification of the project to the Health and Safety Executive (where required).
- Appointment of duty holder organisations e.g. development of assessment criteria, review of submissions.
- Development of documentation e.g. the Pre-construction Information, Health and Safety File.
- Review of documentation e.g. the Construction Phase Plan, Risk Assessments / Method Statements.
- Undertaking design risk management activities, including managing Hazard Identification / Risk Management workshops, developing Hazard Logs / Risk Assessments.
- Undertaking monitoring / auditing of the duty holder’s management arrangements.

Health and Safety Site Audits
Health and safety inspections and audits by independent competent health and safety professionals are now considered an essential part of construction site health and safety arrangements.
The inspections and audits provide reassurance and peace of mind to the Clients that the construction work on their projects is being carried out in accordance with legal and best practice requirements and an opportunity for Principal Contractors and Contractors to demonstrate that the safe systems of work and good health and safety standards are being followed on their sites.
Importantly, site inspections form part of the proactive site monitoring arrangements to regularly identify any shortcomings and areas of improvements before they result in any incident or accident on site.
ICE Risk Management provide independent site health and safety inspections and audit service.
Our inspections and audit service include undertaking a thorough site visit to identify any shortcomings in the current health and safety arrangements and present a formal written report with identified issues where improvements may be required, suggested action plan and target completion time scales where applicable.
Our inspections and audit service is focused on supporting the site managers and supervisors in understanding the legislative and best practice requirements and assist them in rectifying any short comings in a practical and sensible manner.
Construction Phase Plans
A Construction Phase Plan is a legal document required to be prepared by Principal Contractor/Contractor on any construction project under the Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations 2015 (Regulation 12).
It is also a legal duty under the CDM Regulations on both the Client (Regulation 4) and on the Principal Contractor/Contractor (Regulations 12) that site work must not commence unless a suitable and sufficient Construction Phase Plan is in place.
The level of detail required are described in the CDM Regulations (Appendix 3). The Plan must not be generic, should be prepared considering the issues identified in the Pre-construction Information (PCI) and should reflect the specific site information.
ICE Risk Management can assist Principal Contractors/Contractors in the preparation of Construction Phase Plans as required on a one off or regular basis.

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Third Floor
Stolt Neilsen House
1-5 Oldchurch Road
Romford, Essex